The week before…
• Get the supplies requested by the school (book bag, crayons, glue, nap mat or towel, etc.)
• Label all personal items with your child’s name in permanent ink (clothing, lunch box, book bag, nap mat or towel, etc.)
• Discuss plans for drop-off and pick-up in detail with your child. (If possible, do a “practice run” prior to the first day.)
• Take to the school nurse or office any prescription medicine that must be administered during the day.
• Plan a separation routine. If possible, include your child’s teacher or carpool partner in the routine. Select a series of steps that you will take every day. (Child puts belongings away, parent describes what they will do after school and says goodbye, child goes to her teacher/drive/walking partner and greets them, parent leaves)
• Discuss any fears or questions your child might have. (What if I have to go to the bathroom? What if I forget where you are going to pick me up?)
The night before…
• Review a school-day routine with your child (bath time, bed time, wake time, schoolwork time, etc.) Try and keep a firm bedtime to ensure your child is well rested for the next school day.
• Put lunch money in an envelope with your child’s name and what it is for on the outside. Put the money in a safe place (book bag, secure pocket of tomorrow’s clothes, etc.)
• Help your child select their clothes for the first day. Make sure your child will be dressed appropriately for the weather and the school setting.
The first day…
• Wake up in plenty of time to prepare for school. You don’t want your child to feel rushed on this day. The calmer and more relaxed the morning is, the more comfortable your child will feel with the situation.
• Have your child eat breakfast at home or make sure that she has money and time for breakfast at school.
• Review the drop-off and pick-up procedures with your child.
• Make sure your child knows his full name, address, phone number, and the name and number of an emergency contact. If he does not know this, write it down and put it with his personal belongings.
• Arrive before school starts, but not so early that there is no supervision available.
• Leave your child promptly, with a positive attitude, after you have completed your planned separation routine.
At the end of the first day…
• Greet your child at the planned time and place.
Ask your child specific questions about her day. If you simply ask, “How was your day?” the response will likely be “Okay.” Instead, ask questions such as, “What was the best thing that happened today?” or “Tell me about some new friends you met today.” etc.
photo by kevindooley