The big day is fast approaching. That's right... election day 2008! Over the past couple of months, we've outlined the early childhood policy positions of the presidential candidates and encouraged you to get to know your own local candidates. But soon, all the talk will be over.
First, the most important thing is to vote on November 4. If you live in Minnesota and don't know where to vote, check out the polling place finder. If you want to know who will be on your ballot, the League of Women Voters has a tool to help you find out.
If you haven't registered yet, don't worry! In Minnesota we have same-day voter registration. You just need to go to your polling place on election day and provide proof of residence. Just just need to provide one of the following as proof (from the Secretary of State website):
- A valid Minnesota driver’s license, learner’s permit, Minnesota ID card, or receipt for any of these
- A valid student ID card including your photo, if your college has provided a student housing list to election officials
- A Tribal ID card that contains your picture and signature
- A valid registration in the same precinct under a different name or address
- A notice of late registration sent to you by your county auditor or city clerk
- A voter registered in the same precinct as you who can confirm your address with a signed oath
- An employee of the residential facility where you live who can confirm your address with a signed oath
Alternatively, you may provide both 1) a photo ID from the list below, and 2) a current bill with your current name and address in the precinct.
Photo IDs (may be expired) | Bills (delivered electronically or by mail) |
Second, help us Get Out the Vote! Ready 4 K is part of the Election Day Community Coalition to do voter turn out in North Minneapolis. We will have three four-hour volunteer shifts from 8am-12pm, 12pm-4pm, and 4pm-8pm. Volunteer activities include phoning, door knocking, giving rides to the polls, and being poll watchers. No experience necessary. Contact Kat for more information.
This is such an exciting time for our community and our country. Join us in this historic occasion and VOTE!
photo by Vaguely Artistic via flickr