Friday, January 4, 2008

Winter indoor activites

With the holidays behind us, January is the perfect time the slow down and enjoy the quiet of the winter season. I love each of the seasons because they all remind me of something different. In the winter months I am reminded to take time to stay a little closer to home and appreciate all that I have around me. But, too much time close to home can make us all a little stir-crazy, especially with young children in the house. Our friends across the boarder in Wisconsin have some ideas to liven up inside play.

Babies to age 5

Color It: The Internet is full of printable coloring pages of your child's favorite characters. If you know your daughter loves Dora, and her playmate is a Diego fan, print out some of each and give your little ones a big box of crayons. Stacks of plain paper and colored construction paper are also good to have on hand.

Cut It. Paste It: Make a collage by turning old household items into original art. Tear out pictures or use old fabric or buttons, and paste them onto paper or cardboard. Give kids specialty magazines (sports, dance) to make a theme collage for their walls.

Shake It: Turn up the music. "We do fun games to music, like freeze dance or parachute," says Kimberly August of Garrison, N.Y., mother of 11-month-old Jillian, 3-year-old Colin and 5-year-old Kailyn. Chan also suggests moving the furniture to the edges of the room and blasting some favorite music to create a disco. For a variation, she says, show your kids your smooth moves (if you still have any) and let them copy you, or call out commands such as "Dance on one foot" or "Act like a chicken."

What are some of your favorite inside activities?

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